WHAT IS Comprehensive Medication Management
Comprehensive Medication Management are provided by a licensed professional to assess and evaluate the individual’s presenting conditions and symptoms, medical status, medication needs and/or substance abuse status. Comprehensive medication services include medication evaluation, medication, administration, medication monitoring, and medication education. There is a focus on educating and teaching individuals and members of their support system as to the effects of medication and its impact on alcohol, drug abuse, dependence and/or mental illness. Medication services are goal-directed interventions to monitor pharmacological treatment. Education related to medication management and coordination with other practitioners involved with the individual may be included. The target population of this service are individuals diagnosed with a mental health and/or substance abuse disorder. In order to participate in Comprehensive Medication Management services you need to be actively involved in outpatient therapy.
If any of the following behaviors sound familiar to you, then the Medication Management program is for you!
- Problems adjusting after major life changes or stress
- Anxiety, worry or fear
- Depressed or low mood that doesn’t go away
- Suicidal thinking
- Thoughts of hurting other people
- Hurting yourself on purpose
- Too much energy, being unable to sleep, wind down or relax
- Constant negative thoughts
- Obsessional thinking
- Feeling on edge or jumpy
- Feeling like people are after you or want to harm you
- Hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that aren’t there)
- Delusions (fixed beliefs with no basis in reality)
- Rushing, disjointed thoughts
- Out of control alcohol or drug use
- Problem gambling, gaming or other addictive behaviors
- Problems around body image, eating or dieting
- Memory problems
- Poor concentration and attention, hyperactivity
- Violence, agitation or emotional outbursts
- Insomnia and other sleep problems
- Conditions that start in childhood such as autism,
- Intellectual disability and childhood anxiety.