
Become a Patient


To make an appointment: Go to our Clinic Location Pages


LCDF welcomes new patients. Urgent needs will be scheduled as soon as possible after a nurse has determined the need. New patient physical exams will be scheduled for a later date.

To assist with smooth patient flow, please follow the guidelines below:

  • Make follow up appointments before you leave from the current day’s visit.
  • Well child physicals should be scheduled yearly until age 18.
  • Cancellations are your responsibility. Please call at least one (1) hour before if you are unable to make your appointment so we can give your appointment time to another patient.


If you get sick before your next scheduled medical appointment and need an urgent appointment first, call us. We will work you in as soon as possible. Be aware, you may have to wait in the lobby for a while. If you are very ill please alert the receptionist and a nurse will see you immediately.


Your provider may want you to consult a specialist, have x-rays or other special tests that LCDF cannot perform. Whenever possible, LCDF will assist you in making these appointments. You must inform LCDF if you choose not to follow through with a referral, against medical advice.  You are responsible for any charges incurred with the specialist or for any testing. Remember, the specialist does not work for LCDF. If you are unable to keep your appointment, you must call the specialist to cancel or reschedule the appointment. Failure to do so may result in you not being able to get another appointment with that specialist.


Safe Ride is available to provide non-emergency transportation to scheduled appointments for patients with Medicaid.

Please see below for important information regarding Safe Ride Services:

  • Clinic front office personnel can provide you information on contacting Safe Ride.
  • You must call Safe Ride 48 hours in advance of your appointment.
  • Safe Ride is not for emergencies.

Please bring an adult to supervise children during personal visits. Our staff cannot provide childcare in the waiting room

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