Multisystemic Therapy and MST/Problem Sexual Behavior Adaptation
Multisystemic Therapy and MST/Problem Sexual Behavior Adaptation

If any of the following behaviors sound familiar to you, the MST/PSB program is for you!
- Age 10-17
- Has engaged in problematic/inappropriate sexual behaviors (behavior can be of a large range and might need further discussion) **child does not need to meet all of the following behaviors**
- Refuses to do what you ask
- Refuses to abide by curfew
- Hangs out with friends you don’t approve of
- Is skipping school or has academic and behavioral problems at school
- Is using drugs or alcohol
- Has been in trouble with the law
- Is aggressive at home, at school or in the community
- Has tried other types of therapy/treatment without success
Multisystemic with Problem Sexual Behaviors Therapy is family and community based treatment that has been proven effective for youth and families who are struggling with difficult situations. It is a specialized juvenile sex offender treatment program to reduce criminal and antisocial behavior, especially problem sexual behavior. A licensed therapist will work intensely with you and your child in your own home, in your child’s school, with probation officers, and anyone else in the community that your child interacts. Our goal is to promote safety in the community while working towards your child taking responsibility for his/her behavior. We will also work with you to effectively manage your child’s behavior to enable your child to succeed and help your family return to a state of functioning that is acceptable to you.